Townsend, S. E., Sumantra, I. P., Pudjiatmoko, Bagus, G. N., Brum, E., Cleaveland, S., Crafter, S., Dewi, A. P. M., Dharma, D. M. N., Dushoff, J., Girardi, J., Gunata, I. K., Hiby, E. F., Kalalo, C., Knobel, D. L., Mardiana, I. W., Putra, A. A. G., Schoonman, L., Scott-Orr, H., … Hampson, K. (2013). Designing Programs for Eliminating Canine Rabies from Islands: Bali, Indonesia as a Case Study. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 7(8).
Study and simulation of canine rabies transmission on Bali under different vaccination strategies, indicated how counterproductive human-mediated movement of dogs can be to rabies control and highlighted that such movement was increased in Bali when some dog owners moved their dogs to avoid culling teams or replaced their dogs that had been culled.